This research employs a phenomenographic methodology to explore the
variation in the views of a group of lecturers to the plagiarism detection
system, Turnitin. The system was being considered as a mandatory route for
all written assignments at the time of the research and the purpose of the
enquiry was to uncover some of the ways in which Turnitin was viewed,
experienced and had meaning to those expected to use it. Semi-structured
interviews were use to gather data, and the results of the analysis highlighted
the focus of these lecturers as being largely student centered. The lecturers
largely appeared to be advocates of the system; they did recognise that
Widening Participation and internationalisation had altered the student
demographic, and that some issues may arise with a new cohort perhaps less
familiar with academic integrity. In addition there was some concern over the
way that management viewed the system, and the dangers of it being used
for quantitative monitoring rather than qualitative feedback.
This paper was submitted to the International Integrity & Plagiarism Conference which ran between 2004-2014. The paper was peer reviewed by an independent editorial board and features in the conference proceedings.